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We Know Bass Fishing

B1 Baits & B1 Tackle are 100% Made in Canada. We are extremely proud to introduce our own signature line of soft plastic baits and terminal tackle. Taking advantage of the input, knowledge and experience of the best bass anglers, we have developed a collection of products that produce bites in the bodies of waters that we visit annually. Optimized shapes, sizes, scents and colours engineered to catch fish from Shubenacadie Grand Lake to Lake St-Clair and undoubtedly beyond.

About Us

Ben Woo,

B1 President

B1 SHOP is over a decade in the making. With over 10 years of experience producing the premier bass fishing competitions across Canada, I am beyond thrilled to be able to bring to market 100% Canadian made products while providing a much needed online resource for bass angling enthusiasts. We strive to grow and offer even more incredible products as we move forward.